Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Joshua!

Today is Joshua's Birthday, my husband of will be 23 years. We started dating 25 years ago... that is hard to believe! He says he is not having anymore Birthday's ... well I hate to break it to him, but..... one thing we all wish we could stop is time, so since I am 29 and holdin'... he will have to keep moving forward! HA! Happy Birthday Josh! I Love YOU!!

Baby Picture

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Where Do I Begin?

So I decided to begin blogging to get better at my writing skills, and to start sharing some stories and possibly pictures at times, that may or may not be worth sharing. Thought it would be fun to try this, hopefully I will get inspired or it could get really boring!

Where shall I begin? Oh yeah... I was born on October 20, 1971 to my Momma, Sally, and my Daddy John... my Momma is a little zany, and has the biggest heart that someone could have though, although at times her "stories" can get stretched a little more than salt water taffy, but she can be one of the best friends and least judgemental person one could have in their life. My Father on the other hand is my strong stoic hero, all of my stubbornness and will to overcome, I believe came from him, however, my mom believed in my sister and I so much she just about believed we could do anything, even if it was outrageous (this was part of her alien abilities to tell great stories!). Anyhow, all in all, I believe I could not have asked for a better combination of two parents. Now back to when character numero uno was brought into this life.... I was born with a cleft lip and palate, which is a congenital deformity that happens during gestation. Mine is a unilateral complete (only one side), which is not the worst it could have been, but definitely the start of what helped to make me the person I am today. Even though I probably didn't think that growing up, but I will get into that later. I was named Sheila... according to my Momma, after her best good friend she used to play with in the back alley growing up, but according to my Daddy, I was not named after anyone that he knew of. I guess I choose to go with my Mom's good friend, it just makes it a little more exciting, like it means something... since my sister was so strongly named after both of my Grand-Momma's, Mary (my dads mom) and Frances (my moms mom). Two ladies I no longer have the privilege of having around, as they are in heaven now, but awesome women none the less! You might imagine the disappointment I felt when I learned that I was not named after no one! So with the birth defect came many surgeries as you might imagine, which I am thankful to this day my parents had a way to take care of it, as I know there are many that cannot and my heart goes out to them! Being a parent now, I can't imagine how my parents must have felt back then, and for that I am so sorry! For I know the hurts and sorrows of feeling like you are different! But with many surgeries, came lots of attention. I do not remember a couple of my first surgeries, but I have been told I had my first one at two weeks old, and had a special bottle so I could get suction in order to take my bottle. There was one particular surgery I had that has always stood out in my mind. I was at the Childrens' Hospital, and was to share a room with a girl who must have been around 10, she had Leukemia. She did not have any of her hair, and you could tell that she must have had lots of chemo already... at the time I really didn't understand about all that, but just knew that she was really sick. She had a doll with a rainbow jumpsuit on, and we were supposed to be sleeping, but in the middle of the night she sat up on her knees on her bed and asked me to play.....she began to tell me a story, to this day I cannot remember what the story was about, just remember us giggling and how much hope she had, and that even at my young age I knew that things for me could be a whole lot worse. That was probably one of my first of many lessons on being thankful and grateful! I think I must have only been about 4 or 5 years old at that time. I will always remember her, I wish I could remember her name. I know that she is probably fulfilling her duty as an angel right about now, can't wait to see her again someday!

Well that is probably enough for today... Talk again soon, and remember do a little more each day than you think you possibly can!! BFN!! (Bye For Now)

She J ~