Friday, September 28, 2012

Downtown Seattle Later that Day (Aug. 12, 2012)

I loved seeing the Grave sites of Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix, but probably my fave part of Seattle was Pikes Market Place! It was so much fun. We needed more time to explore though. We had to be back to Spokane by that evening so we only had about 4/5 hours downtown. We sure had lots of fun though. The market place kinda reminded us of years ago when we visited the Baltimore Inner Harbor. It almost feels like you are in a different country. People of all cultures and places, speaking different languages etc... Not to mention a lot of neat things to look at and buy. But I must mention the flowers!! The flowers in this place are phenomenal, and they are fairly cheap considering how much flowers cost now days!! We visited the wall of gum, (yucky, but cool!), the guy at the information booth was a real crack up too, seen lots of stores, people playing music, etc.... We also got to see the very 1st Starbucks!! The one where the logo still has the mermaid girl showing her boobs! There was a pretty neat kinda rock-a-billy / folk musicians playing right in front of Starbucks. They were really good. The guy was playing a washboard with a spoon, pretty cool! We didn't go in though because the line was out of control!! The seafood market was also out of this world!! It was just like what you would see in a movie! The fish / shellfish were HUGE! Lobsters that were huge! I told Josh that if we lived in Seattle, that I would go to the market everyday for fresh meat / fish & veggies!! Oh yeah, and fresh flowers every time the old bouquet died!! Here are a few pictures! : )

Post Alley and the Famous Wall of Gum!

Me making my addition!

Joshua putting his gum on the Wall!!

This was funny, when he acted like he was licking it, everyone that was there was like "EWWHH!"

"Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken!"

Josh thought this art was cool!

Awe the flowers, they all were so beautiful.

Here is the cool fish market!

Josh just lifted up the camera and snapped a pic, it was pretty neat!

More beauty's

The original Starbucks logo

Neat little band playing in front of Starbucks

This sign said "One Love" not One Way! Just thought it was neat.

Pic of the needle

We rode this monorail for fun

Seattle / Jimi Hendrix's Grave (Aug. 11 & 12th)

The next day we went over to Explore the Jimi Hendrix Memorial and Grave site. Josh also thought this was very cool. This cemetery was very beautiful. We thought it was really neat that there was purple flower circling the whole memorial. (Purple Haze) When we got there, there was this guy that I think was a bum of the park or just was in his own "purple haze!" He came up to us and was eating a subway sandwich and was acting really weird, and asked if we wanted him to take our picture. We kindly passed, we were afraid that he might run off with my good camera! haha! Anyhow, he also found it necessary that he show Josh the "hidden" bong that someone placed under the place where you would put flowers! So we got a good laugh out of this too! Then a little later an oriental guy (tourist as well) came over, and Josh thought it would be funny to show the guy the bong the previous bum kid had showed us. Well, unbeknown-st to Josh, the oriental guy did NOT speak a word of English and I think, thought Josh was trying to offer to get stoned with him!! To funny!!! We laughed about this all morning! I don't think the guy had any clue what Josh was trying to tell him!!

Such a hottie! Love you! : )

Purple Haze!!

The infamous hidden bong! You can see the hole where it was under where people would put a vase of flowers! Pretty sneaky!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Downtown Seattle / Visiting Bruce & Brandon Lee's graves

Josh said that since we were in Seattle there was a few things that he would like to do while we were there and one of them was to visit Bruce and Brandon Lee's graves. We first drove straight downtown heart of Seattle, then we finally ventured over to the Cemetery and looked around and took a few pictures. This was pretty cool to say the least. I think it was exceptionally cool for Josh, since he has always been a big fan of Bruce Lee!

Cool picture of the Space Needle.

Some guy took our picture for us.
Bruce and Brandon Lee

Flag at the Cemetery.
We thought that it was really weird that the last movie that Brandon Lee made was "The Crow." There were Crows / Blackbirds everywhere!! Josh said it was giving him the creeps! haha!

Close up of the Crows.

Trip to Seattle cont'd. (Aug. 11 & 12th, 2012)

We wound our way around Highway 2 and finally made it over to Seattle. It was very different in comparison to big cities I have seen. It was very green with lots of mountains around it, and the ocean all at the same time. Pretty unique city. Here are a few pictures I took as we came into the city.
Welcome to Seattle!

Just another Flag picture.

Wish all the power lines weren't in the way here! (Sorry Josh! heehee)


Trip to Seattle (August 11 & 12th, 2012)

So ... At home I have an Apple computer and believe it or not I have not figured out how to find my way around adding and posting pictures... So I am once again visiting my best buddy up in Washington (now September!) and I have his computer that I do know how to post things on, so I am going to post pictures from our trip to Seattle and various other things along the way and try to explain as I remember them!

We chose to take Highway 2 West into Seattle from Spokane. This is just a back highway to get there instead of the Interstate. It was a very pretty drive especially when we finally got into the more "foresty" part of the drive. Here are some pictures. Sorry there are so many, but didn't know how else to share. They also got all out of order as well and I am not sure how to put them back in the order that I had them in.

We stopped at a road side viewing area called Deception Falls, and Josh and I took pictures of each other on the trail.

We were amazed by all the moss and the density of the vegetation.

We thought this would be a cool pic

Joshua on the bridge that crossed the falls

Josh took this pic of me going up the trail to the top of the falls.

Here is the sign to the place, this picture was supposed to be first, but like I said they all got out of order!


My love being a goof ball as usual! : )

Dense trees and forest.

There were awesome different colored and different types of flowers everywhere.

We weren't sure what this was, we just thought it was bright and cool.

More beautiful flowers.

Josh took this pic of me on a side road.

Thought this scenery of this bridge was really pretty.

We came to a place that was really neat, and seen that this is where the movie Harry and the Hendersons was filmed. We thought this was really funny.

Big Foot! haha

Harry and the Hendersons

This was a neat little coffee shop where we got some coffee. And... Josh was drooling over the Car!!

I just took this because I thought it was really pretty.

On down the road we seen there was a Salmon hatchery, so we stopped in. It was closed, but we walked around anyhow. There were tons of HUGE salmon, and Josh caught a few jumping out of the water for food!

Another jumping Salmon. There were babies too, but we couldn't get good pics of them.

And this picture should be up top by mine, but this is Joshua waving on the trail at Deception Falls.