Friday, September 28, 2012

Seattle / Jimi Hendrix's Grave (Aug. 11 & 12th)

The next day we went over to Explore the Jimi Hendrix Memorial and Grave site. Josh also thought this was very cool. This cemetery was very beautiful. We thought it was really neat that there was purple flower circling the whole memorial. (Purple Haze) When we got there, there was this guy that I think was a bum of the park or just was in his own "purple haze!" He came up to us and was eating a subway sandwich and was acting really weird, and asked if we wanted him to take our picture. We kindly passed, we were afraid that he might run off with my good camera! haha! Anyhow, he also found it necessary that he show Josh the "hidden" bong that someone placed under the place where you would put flowers! So we got a good laugh out of this too! Then a little later an oriental guy (tourist as well) came over, and Josh thought it would be funny to show the guy the bong the previous bum kid had showed us. Well, unbeknown-st to Josh, the oriental guy did NOT speak a word of English and I think, thought Josh was trying to offer to get stoned with him!! To funny!!! We laughed about this all morning! I don't think the guy had any clue what Josh was trying to tell him!!

Such a hottie! Love you! : )

Purple Haze!!

The infamous hidden bong! You can see the hole where it was under where people would put a vase of flowers! Pretty sneaky!

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