Friday, August 31, 2012

Been a few days!

Well I am arrived back home on August 14th, and seems like have been busy ever since! I got home and two days later went and spent the night with Christina at her new place in Vernal, Utah. She has moved there. She has a really nice house they are renting, and is slowly collecting stuff for necessary living. We were lucky and Jessica was here from California visiting and was able to go up to Utah with me to visit. I am glad she could come!

I haven't blogged in a bit, and as soon as I can figure out the picture thing on my Apple computer I will get some more pictures uploaded. My dinosaur computer is just to slow and it takes it all day to load a couple of photos, which is another reason I have been slow to get more photos and info on here. I really need to get on some Apple tutorials so that I can learn more tricks and tips about it! I have had it long enough, there should be no excuses!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Nothing New....

We have not done a whole lot these last few days. We did eat out at a Mexican Restaurant that was really good last night called Rancho Viejo, and Josh was drooling over the salsa, it was very good!! We brought some of the left overs back to the room and I made some eggs with the left over sauteed onions and peppers. Josh said they were really good!

I think we are going to venture over to Seattle tomorrow! Kinda excited about that, have always wanted to go there. I believe that it is about a 2 to 2 1/2 drive from here. Will post pictures later!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Josh (08/07/12)

Once again another Birthday! I think I started this blog just around your Birthday last year! Here's Cheers and Love to you, and hopefully a blessed and fun year ahead for you! I Love You and wouldn't want to do this world without you! Happy Birthday Baby! ; )

So.... I made dinner in our room for Josh's Birthday and bought a Banana Creme Pie! Even put candles in it and sang for him all by myself! Haha! Turns out though even though Josh likes banana creme pie, (maybe not half as much as I do), he would have rather have had Pecan pie!! So I selfishly messed up, but the pie was good just the same!

River Front Park and Spokane River Falls (08/05/12)

Had to take a picture of this, someone had spray painted "Josh" underneath one of the bridges!

My Beautiful and handsome man, on our walk!

This was a big huge copy of a wagon. Thought it was neat so snapped a pic of it.

They gave Gondola rides right over the top of the falls, but the weather was to hot, so they were closed down when we were there.

The PF Chang horse. Might have to eat there someday.
In the City Center pretty much Downtown Spokane there is a very big and beautiful park called River Front Park. There is lots of trails for walking, beautiful scenery, rides, an IMAX theater, stores, waterfalls, and it is all right on the Spokane River. We walked around the park and enjoyed all the sights, took pictures, and talked. We didn't ride any of the rides, but we did take in an IMAX show, not the 3D one, but we watched "Rescue." It is a documentary about countries coming together, along with their military forces and volunteers, to aid in the recovery and rescue of the terrible earthquake that hit Haiti a few years back. It was pretty interesting. ~~~ We also walked around in the downtown mall that was there as well, just to pass the time and see what was inside. There was also a lot of stores / shops on the outside along the street as well. We didn't shop or buy, just looked! ~~~ We kept on seeing this guy, who looked to be homeless everywhere we went in the park. Josh swears that he was the same guy we had seen a few days earlier on the street corner over by our room where we are staying at (which is about 10 miles away or so from our room). If this same "alleged" guy was the same guy, he was standing on the street corner acting as if he was trying to take pictures of passing cars and kept lifting up his shirt showing off his belly?!? Anyhow, the guy we seen in the park looked the same, but I was thinking that was sure a long way for him to walk. He had a red sleeping bag draped around his shoulders and just walked around everywhere and talked to himself. Josh and I wondered and talked how someone could get to that point and what makes a person go there. It also made us thankful that God has blessed us enough to hold onto our hearts and emotions, and our lives in his hands and protect us, so that we would not have to face a battle like that. Guess it could happen to anyone, just takes the wrong moment and our souls peg out! ~~ Well enough of that here are some pictures!

More of the area out by the Job Site (08/02/12)

Steptoe Battlefield

Very Cool Bridge

I stopped off to take a look at The Steptoe Battlefield historical site (The name of the town/area Josh is working in is Steptoe.). The area is again, wheat fields and very pretty area. I noticed that there are a lot of neat looking bridges and old barns around here as well. So of course I had to snap a few pictures of them.

Trip out to Josh's current Job site (08/02/12)

Josh had invited me to come out and see where they are working at and what they are doing. So I decided to venture out that way on Thursday. ( I had went out there on Wednesday, but we missed each other, so I went back out on Thursday.) He explained the wheat fields and how you could get lost in them, and the way the hills looked. The wheat fields really are like nothing I have seen before! It was like we were in Oklahoma or Kansas but with much much higher hills!

Josh is working to bring in and hook up some power to a Windmill farm they are putting up. I have added some pictures to show it and the area. Josh said that they spotted a Momma and calf Moose in one of the wheat fields on Wednesday morning, when we went out there we were not able to spot them again! Darn it!

The Olympics

Nay in 3rd place

Meagen Nay from Austria
I was watching The Olympics last week and seen this, so I took a picture of it! Thought it was kinda funny!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Liberty Lake (07/31/12)

On the way back we seen this and thought it was funny because of our dog Boomer! So I took a picture of it.
We took a drive after Josh got off work and really didn't know which way we were headed, just wanted to get out of the room for a few. We ended up at Liberty Lake, probably about 5 to 10 miles from where we are staying at. Here are a few pics and one of the pretty moon as well. The Lake was very congested on the West side, private homes are built up all around it. It looked like the East side was less congested, and I am not sure if there is public access to the lake. We didn't try to walk down to it, we just drove around. It was very pretty and lots of nice houses.

Getting caught up.

I am trying to get caught up to date so that I can try and post daily, so that is why I am cramming so many post into a few days! Sorry!

Our Room

The Dandy Beds!

The small kitchen, but better than no kitchen at all!

On the menu.... It is much cheaper to cook for yourselves everynight, than go out to eat! We are trying to be frugal at the moment!
We are staying in an extended stay room. The beds are NOT very comfortable and I think I must get ran over by a Mack Truck every night in my dreams, because I sure wake up beat up every morning! Josh feels the same way!

Dropping Josh off ; ) (07/30/12)

So apparently the roads here in Spokane are kinda tricky, so I found out! I dropped Josh off for work this morning so that I would have the truck if I needed it. On my way back I took the wrong exit, but noticed the street we were staying on was one street over. So I thought to myself, oh I will just go up to the next street and take a right and go up the road to the east until I get to our room! Well I did this, NOT a good idea!!! I was going the wrong way on a one way of 4 lane traffic coming right at me!! I began to flash my lights at the cars headed right towards me. The car that was coming right at me in the same lane as I was, sorta put on his brakes at first and I don't think realized what was going on, and then a few seconds later all of a sudden swerved into the other lane, and then the car behind him moved to the other lane also. I finally came up to a business drive that I pulled into at a car sales place... At the time I thought ok, what's worse hitting a parked car with no one in it, or hitting a moving car with someone in it!!! I of course did my scared to death nervous laugh! Anyone who knows me, knows my goofy humor and how I laugh at stupid scary stuff like that! Boy was I sweating for a second! As my Aunt and Mom would say, "Made my So-vacose (sp) sweat!" Hahaha! It also made me think of my Grandma Frances, who one time ALONG time ago did this same thing to us in California. We were all in her van and she did the same thing that I did, however, there was a lot more traffic and the road was tons more busy when she did it then when I did it!! Anyhow she turned in, seen all the traffic coming towards us and immediately jumped the curb into a parking lot!! She cursed some words in Spanish!! I thought I was going to bust a gut laughing so hard, and she was not very happy with my laughing at her! I laughed all the way back to her house! (Just gotta say, she was one of the cutest drivers ever, I think I laughed every time I got into the car with her. She drove an automatic with two feet, everything scared her and she would do the breath-in-deep scared sigh every time, and just before she left her drive way she would do the cross my heart prayer to Jesus to keep us safe!! To cute!) ~ ~ I texted Josh what had happened to me, and he said, "That's funny a couple of the guys here were just telling me to watch the roads / streets because they are weird, and that there are a lot of one ways!" ~~ So as I am driving here I will be more careful to watch my streets!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We made it! (07/29/12)

Thought that this was pretty and caught the I90 sign since this was the first time I have ever been on I90.

This is Lake Coeur D'Alene.

Yay!! Made it to Washington! Spokane is just not to far from the State Line.

Thought this sign was really funny! Tourist Activities, visit the Nut House!

Beautiful Bridge
We finally rode across Idaho once more, and on into Washington, woohoo! The landscape across that part of Idaho and into Spokane seemed a little more to us like what we had expected. Although, we were also really surprised at the elevation. The elevation in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho is 2,188 ft? And there is supposed to be Wildlife here? I just always thought that Bear, Moose, Wolf, etc ... liked higher elevations! So you have the Mountains with a very low altitude! Altitude of Spokane is 1,843, what's up with that!! Anyhow, here are some more pics. We arrived into Spokane about 5 or 6 pm Pacific time. When we got here we drove out to where Josh was to show up for work, and then found our room to check in. We got settled and went out and got something to eat at Taco Time, and some groceries for the days ahead at Safeway. Then it was Goodnight!