Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dropping Josh off ; ) (07/30/12)

So apparently the roads here in Spokane are kinda tricky, so I found out! I dropped Josh off for work this morning so that I would have the truck if I needed it. On my way back I took the wrong exit, but noticed the street we were staying on was one street over. So I thought to myself, oh I will just go up to the next street and take a right and go up the road to the east until I get to our room! Well I did this, NOT a good idea!!! I was going the wrong way on a one way of 4 lane traffic coming right at me!! I began to flash my lights at the cars headed right towards me. The car that was coming right at me in the same lane as I was, sorta put on his brakes at first and I don't think realized what was going on, and then a few seconds later all of a sudden swerved into the other lane, and then the car behind him moved to the other lane also. I finally came up to a business drive that I pulled into at a car sales place... At the time I thought ok, what's worse hitting a parked car with no one in it, or hitting a moving car with someone in it!!! I of course did my scared to death nervous laugh! Anyone who knows me, knows my goofy humor and how I laugh at stupid scary stuff like that! Boy was I sweating for a second! As my Aunt and Mom would say, "Made my So-vacose (sp) sweat!" Hahaha! It also made me think of my Grandma Frances, who one time ALONG time ago did this same thing to us in California. We were all in her van and she did the same thing that I did, however, there was a lot more traffic and the road was tons more busy when she did it then when I did it!! Anyhow she turned in, seen all the traffic coming towards us and immediately jumped the curb into a parking lot!! She cursed some words in Spanish!! I thought I was going to bust a gut laughing so hard, and she was not very happy with my laughing at her! I laughed all the way back to her house! (Just gotta say, she was one of the cutest drivers ever, I think I laughed every time I got into the car with her. She drove an automatic with two feet, everything scared her and she would do the breath-in-deep scared sigh every time, and just before she left her drive way she would do the cross my heart prayer to Jesus to keep us safe!! To cute!) ~ ~ I texted Josh what had happened to me, and he said, "That's funny a couple of the guys here were just telling me to watch the roads / streets because they are weird, and that there are a lot of one ways!" ~~ So as I am driving here I will be more careful to watch my streets!

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